Tepiloxtl @ Nekoweb~:Golden Age Minecraft
Created: 04.03.2024
Updated: 04.03.2024
Modernising modpacks/patches/conversions
Yeah, so lately I've felt like playing some "Golden Age Minecraft". And lately means "pretty much since Minecraft 1.8 released". I was never a big fan of incoming changes since Minecraft left Beta, and even slight before. I wasn't big on new survival and hunger mechanics, enchanting, changes made to map generator...
In 2022 I've started a couple worlds in versions ranging from Alpha 1.2 to Beta 1.7.3, I kinda wanted to make a little blog to chronicle my gameplay, oldschool style. Well, that didn't happen. Unsuprisingly. Recently I've started again, on Beta 1.7.3, and started to contribute a little bit to communities like reddits GoldenAgeMinecraft subreddit and a few Discord servers...
And this is a page to put a lot of my findings, and maybe some journal-like page, for everyone to see and use, ha...
idk, there are maybe more words to say, but I feel content for now. I'm putting forward a page about Mappers for Minecraft beta, since a lot of folks were interested! So, now it can be all in one place.